545 miles. 7 days. 1 mission.
We’re a year-round community! Come to any of our workshops, training rides, special events, and social outings, and don’t forget to bring a friend.
If you’re looking for a specific type of event, use the the “Narrow Your Results” menu below to filter by event type (we host all types of events, so there’s something for everybody!) or by Region by selecting NorCal, SoCal, or Outside CA.
Three Loops at Fayetteville
24/43/59 Miles, Rolling hills and a few steep climbs
Meet: 9:00 AM
Ride-Out: 10:00 AM
Rain Cancels
The Houston-Area ALC Training Series provides friendly, no-drop training rides to help prepare you for AIDS/LifeCycle.
Come to bicycle-friendly Fayetteville for some fantastic hill training! This ride has three loops: 24.4 miles, 18.9 miles, and 15.4 miles, all starting and ending at the Fayetteville Town Square. There are no flat lands on this ride. It’s all hilly, with some grades up to 9%! Total climbing is 2491 ft. All amenities are at and nearby the Fayetteville Town Square. Be prepared to ride 24.4 miles without a rest stop. We’ll ride the 24.4-mile route first. Ride will be re-scheduled in event of rain.
24 Mile RideWithGPS Link: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41956356/
19 Mile RidewithGPS Link: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42055740/
15 Mile RidewithGPS Link: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45759851/
Have questions? Contact Chuck D’Angelo at cdangelo@ix.netcom.com
REQUIRED ITEMS: bike, helmet, water bottles, tire changing tools
If you experience problems with the RSVP button, please email the RSVP to cdangelo@ix.netcom.com