Safety is the core value of AIDS/LifeCycle. Your behavior affects your safety and the safety of those around you and the perceptions of the communities we ride through. The success of this event depends on each one of us behaving responsibly and taking care of ourselves and each other.
All of our Training Ride Leaders are volunteers and are here for your safety. Please follow their direction should they instruct you out on the road today.
All Participants must understand and adhere to the following guidelines on official training rides and the event. Violation of any of these rules could jeopardize your participation in AIDS/LifeCycle, the safety of your fellow Participants, and the future of the event.
- Bicycles are subject to all the rules and regulations of the California Vehicle Code. Obey all traffic laws, traffic signals, and signs.
- Ride as far to the right as is safely possible. Ride defensively, and predictably, and stay alert. Assume car drivers cannot see you.
- Stop at all stop signs and stop lights without exception. You must make a full and complete stop, ceasing all forward motion and placing one foot on the ground before proceeding.
- Wear your helmet at all times when on your bicycle.
- Ride single file and leave at least one bike length between you and the rider in front of you. No drafting. No pacelines.
- Communicate your intentions. Use verbal alerts to point out potential vehicle hazards. Use hand signals to indicate a right turn, left turn, stopping, or slowing. Alert others to potential hazards by pointing and calling out in a loud, outside voice.
- Look over your left shoulder before passing to make sure it is clear. Pass only when it is safe and pass only on the left. Before passing, call out loudly, “On your left!” If you are cycling as a group, each Cyclist must call out and pass only when it is safe.
- Never wear headphones while on your bike. The use of cell phones, iPods, speakers, cameras, or other electronic devices is prohibited while cycling. A mounted bike computer or phone-based app may be used for directions as long as it is not touched while cycling.
- Keep at least one hand on the handlebars at all times.
- AIDS/LifeCycle is an alcohol and drug-free event. Do not consume alcohol or use recreational drugs on training rides or events.
- Eat before you feel hungry and drink before you feel thirsty.
- Emergency Procedures: If an accident occurs requiring medical services, call 911 immediately and direct traffic around the scene. Get the Participant’s name and wait for emergency personnel to arrive. Do not move an injured person if they are unable to move themselves. Notify a Training Ride Leader if one is not present.
- Be courteous and respectful of others. We are a diverse community. Please be thoughtful in your conduct and choices, and sensitive to the feelings of your fellow participants. And remember, take care of one another.