545 miles. 7 days. 1 mission.
We’re a year-round community! Come to any of our workshops, training rides, special events, and social outings, and don’t forget to bring a friend.
If you’re looking for a specific type of event, use the the “Narrow Your Results” menu below to filter by event type (we host all types of events, so there’s something for everybody!) or by Region by selecting NorCal, SoCal, or Outside CA.
Palm Springs Local Loop w/ Bogart, Rose & CV Link 25 Miles, Mostly flat with some rolling hills Meet: 7:00 AM Ride-Out: 7:30 AM Rain Cancels Meet at Townie at 7 am, ride out at 7:30. 25 miles. We'll visit the south end of town with a small climb up Bogart. Then, we'll head […]
Fall Follies Ride 3 Nicasio and Big Rock (well sorta Big) 33.9 Miles, Rolling Hills and a Few Steep Climbs Meet: 8:00 AM Ride-Out: 8:30 AM Heavy Rain Cancels Welcome to the Marin Marauders Training Group Fall Follies Sunday training series. The Fall Follies are designed to give us some cycling exercise during the […]
The Cyclists of AIDS/LifeCycle invite you to attend Fall Recruitment 2024 This is the Rush event of the year calling for teams and solo cyclists! If you are a solo cyclist, this is the event for you! AIDS/LifeCycle is better with others because we go far together. This is your chance to join an AIDS/LifeCycle […]
Are you curious about AIDS/LifeCycle? Join us for a 1-hour info session where we’ll talk training, fundraising, life on the Ride, and year-round community. Learn where the money goes and how your fundraising helps provide life-changing programs and services. Ready to register? Register at http://www.aidslifecycle.org Zoom link: https://lalgbtcenter.zoom.us/j/93775407189?pwd=SzRpZU9ZWXRzL00vMWlyemE3ZHFKdz09
Lucas Valley Road Eastbound 46 Miles Steep Hills Meet: 9:00 AM Ride-Out: 9:30 AM Rain or Smoke Cancels It’s Friday Ride Day! Join us for our welcoming rides of 30-50 miles. We start in Sausalito at Dunphy Park. New to these rides and driving your car? Ask us about nearby parking. We welcome cyclists […]
Beginner/Intermediate - Westwood to Malibu (2 Routes) 32 or 52 Miles Mostly flat with some rolling hills Meet: 8:00 AM Ride-Out: 8:30 AM Rain Cancels Hey, Riders! Not two, but THREE teams will be riding together this weekend! We are adding Hot Wheels! Get ready for an EPIC Westside takeover as Hot Wheels, Trudging […]
Team OC fun ride leaving from the Carl's Jr. parking lot at Michelson and Culver in Irvine to Seaside Donuts in Newport Beach via the Santa Ana River Trail (SRT). We will meet up at 8 am and ride out at 8:30 am. While not an official AIDS/LifeCycle training ride, the safety standards of the […]
Houston-Area 2024 Kickoff Ride 17/30 Miles Flat Meet: 8:15 AM Ride-Out: 9:00 AM Rain Cancels Join us for the Houston-Area Kickoff of AIDS/LifeCycle 2024! Ride will predominately be on the Sims Bayou Hike and Bike Trail between Blue Ridge Park and TX-288. First loop is an out-and-back along the Trail. Second loop starts and […]
GG Park - Legion of Honor - Lake Merced Ride 22 Miles, Mostly Flat with Rolling Hills Meet: 9:00 AM Ride-Out: 9:30 AM Rain Cancels Join us for a beautiful 22 mile ride through San Francisco. We’ll enjoy Golden Gate Park, practice some hill climbing to visit the Legion of Honor, enjoy ocean views and […]
October Training Ride 25.8 Miles, Mostly flat with some rolling hills Meet: 9:00 AM Ride-Out: 10:00 AM Rain Cancels The AIDS/LifeCycle BIPOC group is a community within a community – where Black, Indigenous, and People of Color can train together, share tips and resources about how to prepare for the Ride, and find empowerment […]
PINOLE BEAR CLAW BAKERY 28.1 Rolling Hills & Steep Climbs Meet: 9:00 AM Ride-Out: 9:30 AM Rain Cancels Welcome to the Saturday East Bay training series! This series is designed as slow ramp-up starter series for new riders but welcomes riders at all skill levels, including those who haven't ridden a bike in years […]
South Bay Blaze 3-Hour Tours #6 - Portola Loop 36.7 Miles, Rolling Hills and a Few Climbs Meet: 9:00 AM Ride-Out: 9:30 AM Rain Cancels Welcome to the South Bay Blaze 3-Hour Tour training rides; a carefully crafted route series designed to build strength, safety, and confidence before the ride in June. These autumn […]
Contact Us
AIDS/LifeCycle ⋅ (866) 245-3424 ⋅ info@aidslifecycle.org
Southern California Office ⋅ (323) 860-7380
Northern California Office ⋅ (415) 581-7077
AIDS/LifeCycle benefits, and is jointly produced by, San Francisco AIDS Foundation (Tax ID # 94-2927405) and Los Angeles LGBT Center (Tax ID # 95-3567895), each of which is a nonprofit, public benefit corporation recognized as tax exempt under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). Donations to AIDS/LifeCycle are deductible for income tax purposes, to the extent permitted by law.